SMS Site Component Manager Does Not Install on Windows 2008 R2

Status message shows Component [SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER] could not install correctly on server and keeps stating WebDAV not configured correctly even though you set it correctly in IIS.

The issue is in Windows 2008 R2, the XML file WEBDAV_schema.xml does not update as needed. You will need to update the file manually which is located at C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\schema.

  • Stop the IIS service
  • Find the file and take ownership as well as give youself full rights and remove the Ready only attribute.
  • Find and update the file with following values

    <attribute name=”allowAnonymousPropfind” type=”bool” defaultValue=”true” />
    <attribute name=”allowInfinitePropfindDepth” type=”bool” defaultValue=”true” />
    <attribute name=”allowCustomProperties” type=”bool” defaultValue=”false” />

  • Start the IIS service
  • Start the SMS Component Manager
  • Check the status messages


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